20th September, 2014
校友會將於11月12日舉行《陸叔晚宴. 講理財.談置業》活動,參加者可聯絡 Class Rep 進行報名。詳情可參閱附上之宣傳海報。
10th June, 2014
We are forming the ExCo for coming year. Currently we have following ExCo members
Honorary Advisory Committee: | Prof. Francis CHIN |
| Prof. Francis LAU |
| Prof. Benjamin KAO |
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President: | 胡志遠 Wu Chi Yuen, Seven (89) |
Vice-President (External): | 鄧志力 Hezek Tang (90) |
Vice-President (Internal): | HO Sin Hang Brian (04) |
Hon. Treasurer: | 楊敏健 Alvin Yong (89) |
Hon. Secretary: | 何建邦 Ho kin pong (98) |
ExCo Member: | 陳奇華 Chan KW |
| Henry CHAN |
University Liaison: | Benjamin KAO |
|   |
Sub-committees: |   |
- Membership Affairs |   |
  | Convener: Seven WU |
  | Members: Alvin YONG, David WONG |
- Communications |   |
  | Convener: Ho Kin Pong |
  | Members: Henry CHAN |
- Social and Events |   |
  | Convener: KW Chan |
  | Members: Seven WU, Peter CHAN, Brian HO |
- Career Mentorship |   |
  | Convener: Nicholas TSANG |
  | Members: Seven WU |
- Focus / Interest Group(s) |   |
  | Convener: Hezek TANG |
|   |
Class Representatives: | CHAN Hiu Ming Henry (CS2008) |
| CHIU Tak Ting (CS2007) |
| CHU Sai Yiu (CS2011) |
| HO Sin Hang Brian (CS2004) |
| KWOK Ka Ho (CS2010) |
| LEE Wai Hung (CS2002) |
| SZE Shun Yan (CS2009) |
| TSE Shing Chi Franklin (CS2012) |
| TSUI King Yu Chris (CS2005) |
| YEUNG Cheuk Yu Leo (CS2013) |
| YUEN Wing Tai Winifred (CS2007) |
| CHAN Peter |
We are still need more ExCo member. If you are interested to join HKUCSAA ExCo, please contact Seven WU 胡志遠 (CS89) at 91083819.
4th March, 2014
Minutes of AGM is available at here
20th January, 2014
Date: 24 Jan 2014
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: ICO Limited, 30/F, Siu On Center, 188 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
1. To receive and endorse Financial Report
2. To endorse constitution change - Click here for details
3. To elect the next year Exco
30th December, 2013
We will have our next AGM in 2014. Here is the information for next AGM
Date: 24 Jan 2014
Time: 7pm - 9pm
Venue: To be confirmed
29th December, 2013
HKUCS Alumni Association (HKUCSAA) members are going to invite class reps to join HKUCSAA facebook for better social networking among us. Would class reps please help to invite your classmates to join the facebook as well.
Besides, HKUCSAA members would like to contact them in person for briefing HKUCSAA latest news and inviting them to join back this family where together we continue our friendship and share our experiences just like what we did before in the HKU campus years ago.
Should the class reps have any queries, they may contact Seven WU 胡志遠 (CS89) at 91083819 for the detail. Seven WU is leading this HKUCSAA people social networking program.
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